Don’t Sit On Your #1 Gift

Carlita Jones
3 min readFeb 17, 2021

Someone has to say it.

Truth be told, there are a lot of articles and videos that talk about “building your brand” or your target audience. There are billions of viral videos, successful businesses, and dreams that come true daily. This is not another article to tell you the same speil. This, my friend, is an article of encouragement and a reminder that you have something irreplaceable.

Captured by my iPhone in Cancun, Mexico

No One Is You

There will never be anyone with the same exact genetic makeup, story, or background. It doesn’t matter what you believe about what happened before you were born or what happens when you leave Earth, the moment you came here there was a reason.

There is something that makes you light up inside. There is something that you love to share. There is something that you have learned in your time here. We invalidate ourselves so much with comparisons of what other people are doing or with the concepts of what it’s supposed to look like in our minds. The truth of the matter is that you already have that thing.

You’re The Real Deal

We all go through imposter syndrome. We all question ourselves. We all question if our talents and opinions are actually valid.

Let me say this..

Yes, you are valid. No, we don’t all agree with you, but you are necessary. Our individuality is our #1 gift. No matter how many people are in your field, how many “competitors” are around, or how many haters you may have, you are the real deal.

The best part about you, is that no one else can ever be you. No one can tell your story the way you do. No one can teach the world exactly what you know and why you know it. We often feel like people would rather listen to the Steve Jobs or the Beyonce’s of the world. People listen to learn. People listen to be entertained. People listen because they’re bored. My point is that someone will always be there to listen and I encourage you to tell your own story.

I’m writing this because the more I stick to my own path, make my own decisions, and shine my own truth, the more people try to discourage me. The more you grow, the more people will question you. The more you choose to go your own way, the more people will convince you to go down a rabbit hole of different paths.

Don’t listen to them, listen to that voice inside that knows where to go, and what you have to share with the world.



Carlita Jones

Hi, I’m CJ. I like to write about the human experience. Learn more about me here: