Rebelling Against The System While Working In The System

Carlita Jones
3 min readNov 30, 2021

(I HATE MY F?!!*&!G JOB TOO!!!)

If you’re anything like myself (who is dreading even writing this article about work) you probably can’t stand your job. Or maybe you like your job, you just hate the people there. Or maybe you love what you’re doing, it’s just not paying the bills, so once again you must return to the wonderful world of capitalism. You know no days off, no calling off, no showing up late, not expressing your actual opinion, and absolutely no corrupting the acceptable list of work behaviors.

But I, myself, like to look at the silver lining in everything. And although this is a shitty life that most of us are living, I think there is some joy that might just come about. Have you ever heard of a whistleblower or a spy? These are the heroes who go inside of a corporation, almost undercover, and they let the world know exactly how messed up these people are. Or they blow up their business creating more justice for the employees left remaining behind the bars of corporate America.

Maybe you don’t want to be exactly a spy or the one who throws a major corporation under the bus. There are still small ways that you can impact your coworkers, the company, and maybe even the world. Maybe you work in a factory, at a gas station, under some Fortune 500 asshole, or in another field that you’d rather not be employed by. Below are a few ways to rebel against the system, while working in the system.

By Not Taking Your Job So Serious

I went on my Instagram story earlier chatting about how one of the best things about not being an entrepreneur or working in someone else’s company is that you don’t have to care as much. It can be hard to remember this as you get adjusted to the behaviors around you. There are so many unspoken rules and patterns that people “train us” into.

For example, how they ass-kiss the CEO. In reality, I think CEOs can learn more and have more respect for people with their own opinions. Those who bring some contrast to the table. When I got about three months into my contract they offered me a full-time position, and I didn’t realize how much accepting it would change my reality. I began to care more, to try harder, to almost consume all of my life worrying about work and going harder.

It took a while for me to realize how wrapped up in my job I became. Wanting approval from those who had been there way longer than me. I completely forgot that I don’t even want to work in this industry, let alone work for someone else for the rest of my life. This article might sound real millennial-ly but I’m just being honest, the best way to rebel is to not gaf as much. Obviously, don’t lose your job but nine times out of ten you probably care too much about it.

By Speaking Up Against Shitty Work Culture

Honestly, I could retitle this subtitle because you don’t necessarily have to speak up by speaking up. You could speak up in less subtle ways. Like calling off work, showing up late, vocalizing your opinion, or offering changes to the company. But my favorite is probably calling out your shift managers when they’re wrong. You know what’s right and what’s wrong. It’s really up to you to decide what you’ll tolerate and what you want to stand up for.

By Remembering You Can Always Find Another Job

The best part about capitalism is there are 50 million other jobs available, a lot that require the bare minimum. Remember that your eggs don’t all have to be in this basket. When it comes to jobs, I’m always available and always looking for better. Heck, I took two interviews in the last week just for fun. It’s the only way to know you’re where you’re supposed to be. You can never stop dreaming, leveling up, or simply trying something new. Especially if your current job is nowhere near what you actually want to do.

Why not try a new field? Why not try a different employer? The only thing holding you back is you. Don’t live your life in fear of losing a job that will be quick to replace you. Hopefully, this article doesn’t get flagged, because this is America. Also, if you do lose your job, don’t blame me… blame the system and then go out and get a new job, or don’t… whatever.



Carlita Jones

Hi, I’m CJ. I like to write about the human experience. Learn more about me here: